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The reliability and durability of lithium‐ion capacitors (LICs) are severely hindered by the kinetic imbalance between capacitive and Faradaic electrodes. Efficient charge storage in LICs is still a huge challenge, particularly for thick electrodes with high mass loading, fast charge delivery, and harsh working conditions. Here, a unique thermally durable, stable LIC with high energy density from all‐inorganic hydroxyapatite nanowire (HAP NW)‐enabled electrodes and separators is reported. Namely, the LIC device is designed and constructed with the electron/ion dual highly conductive and fire‐resistant composite Li4Ti5O12‐based anode and activated carbon‐based cathode, together with a thermal‐tolerant HAP NW separator. Despite the thick‐electrode configuration, the as‐fabricated all HAP NW‐enabled LIC exhibits much enhanced electrochemical kinetics and performance, especially at high current rates and temperatures. Long cycling lifetime and state‐of‐the‐art areal energy density (1.58 mWh cm?2) at a high mass loading of 30 mg cm?2 are achieved. Benefiting from the excellent fire resistance of HAP NWs, such an unusual LIC exhibits high thermal durability and can work over a wide range of temperatures from room temperature to 150 °C. Taking full advantage of synergistic configuration design, this work sets the stage for designing advanced LICs beyond the research of active materials.  相似文献   
Due to unprecedented features including high‐energy density, low cost, and light weight, lithium–sulfur batteries have been proposed as a promising successor of lithium‐ion batteries. However, unresolved detrimental low Li‐ion transport rates in traditional carbon materials lead to large energy barrier in high sulfur loading batteries, which prevents the lithium–sulfur batteries from commercialization. In this report, to overcome the challenge of increasing both the cycling stability and areal capacity, a metallic oxide composite (NiCo2O4@rGO) is designed to enable a robust separator with low energy barrier for Li‐ion diffusion and simultaneously provide abundant active sites for the catalytic conversion of the polar polysulfides. With a high sulfur‐loading of 6 mg cm?2 and low sulfur/electrolyte ratio of 10, the assembled batteries deliver an initial capacity of 5.04 mAh cm?2 as well as capacity retention of 92% after 400 cycles. The metallic oxide composite NiCo2O4@rGO/PP separator with low Li‐ion diffusion energy barrier opens up the opportunity for lithium–sulfur batteries to achieve long‐cycle, cost‐effective operation toward wide applications in electric vehicles and electronic devices.  相似文献   
叉角厉蝽Eocanthecona furcellate(Wolff)是广泛分布于热带亚热带地区的一种重要捕食性天敌昆虫。为评估人工饲料饲养的叉角厉蝽的捕食能力,在实验室采用捕食功能反应的方法,以黄粉虫作为中介猎物饲养的叉角厉蝽为对照,评价了人工饲料饲养的叉角厉蝽3龄若虫、5龄若虫以及雌成虫对黄粉虫Tenebriomolitor(L.)幼虫及斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura(Fabricius)3龄幼虫、5龄幼虫的捕食效能。结果表明,两种饲料饲养的不同虫态叉角厉蝽的捕食量均随着猎物密度的增加而上升,当猎物密度增加到一定水平,捕食量趋于稳定,其捕食功能反应均符合HollingII模型。人工饲料组饲养的各虫态叉角厉蝽与对照组的对黄粉虫幼虫的捕食量没有明显差异;在饱和猎物密度条件下,人工饲料饲养的叉角厉蝽3龄若虫、5龄若虫以及雌成虫对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫的日最大捕食量分别为7.20、9.20、14.60头,对斜纹夜蛾5龄幼虫的日最大捕食量分别4.20、5.80、6.20头,均略低于对照组,但从取食猎物数量上来看,仍保持较强的捕食能力。  相似文献   
Conservation genetics is a well‐established scientific field. However, limited information transfer between science and practice continues to hamper successful implementation of scientific knowledge in conservation practice and management. To mitigate this challenge, we have established a conservation genetics community, which entails an international exchange‐and‐skills platform related to genetic methods and approaches in conservation management. First, it allows for scientific exchange between researchers during annual conferences. Second, personal contact between conservation professionals and scientists is fostered by organising workshops and by popularising knowledge on conservation genetics methods and approaches in professional journals in national languages. Third, basic information on conservation genetics has been made accessible by publishing an easy‐to‐read handbook on conservation genetics for practitioners. Fourth, joint projects enabled practitioners and scientists to work closely together from the start of a project in order to establish a tight link between applied questions and scientific background. Fifth, standardised workflows simplifying the implementation of genetic tools in conservation management have been developed. By establishing common language and trust between scientists and practitioners, all these measures help conservation genetics to play a more prominent role in future conservation planning and management.  相似文献   
中国三江源国家公园与韩国智异山国家公园的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1967年智异山被认定为韩国首个国家公园以来,韩国以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设已历经50余年。这期间韩国在国家公园的建设中积累了大量经验,十分值得我国借鉴。选取我国首个国家公园体制试点——三江源国家公园和韩国首个国家公园——智异山国家公园为研究对象,对二者的管理现状进行了定性分析,并运用基于最优实践的国家公园管理能力评价方法对二者的管理能力进行了定量评价。研究表明:三江源国家公园的管理能力综合得分低于智异山国家公园,在体制建设、保障机制、资源环境管理、社区管理和科普教育五个方面均与智异山国家公园存在一定差距;智异山国家公园在资源本底调查、法制建设、多方参与、环境教育和游憩管理方面的管理能力十分突出,为三江源国家公园管理能力的提升提供了有益借鉴;三江源国家公园在生态补偿和制度约束方面具有比较优势,但在自然资源权属、资源本底调查、社区组织建设和游憩管理方面则亟待提升。在此基础上,针对三江源国家公园建设提出了强化科研支撑、健全多方参与制度、推进全民福利共享三项建议,针对我国国家公园体制建设提出了制定《国家公园法》、设置自然保护地顶层规划两项建议,以期促进三江源国家公园管理能力提升、推动我国国家公园体制建设。  相似文献   
城市建设中的矿物质材料开发利用活动不仅导致大量碳排放,也产生了碳吸收.以往建筑矿物质材料的碳吸收过程一直没有得到重视和科学量化.本研究采用遥感影像阴影高度反演技术,提取地块的建筑容量,识别建筑类型,以此为依据确定矿物材料用量及碳含量参数,采用热重分析法测定碳化率,基于以上步骤构建城市建筑碳汇量的核算方法,并选取沈阳市蒲河新来测试这一核算方法,同时进行不确定性分析.结果表明: 1996—2016年,沈阳市蒲河新城各类型建筑产生的碳汇总量依次为:居住建筑>公共服务建筑>其他类建筑>商业金融建筑>工业建筑;各类建筑用地的碳汇容积率依次为:商业金融建筑>居住建筑>公共服务建筑>其他类建筑>工业建筑.本研究构建的基于建筑容量提取的城市尺度的建筑碳汇量核算方法,可以快速准确地估算不同类型城市建设用地无机材料产生的碳汇量.在城市自然碳汇有限条件下,利用建筑碳汇增加城市碳汇量,能够为我国城市低碳发展提供新的思路.  相似文献   
城市边缘区生态承载力时空分异研究——以甘井子区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裴鹰  杨俊  李冰心  李雪铭  葛雨婷 《生态学报》2019,39(5):1715-1724
以大连市甘井子区为例,利用1998年的土地利用数据和2003年、2007年、2013年的SPOT5遥感数据等多元数据,运用状态空间表征生态承载力量值的计量方法,计算了城市边缘区的社区生态承载力,并研究了甘井子区1998—2013年生态承载力的时空分异特征。结果表明:(1)时间上,1998—2013年,甘井子区整体的生态承载力呈现先快后慢的下降趋势,生态状态呈现出从优秀向良好,再向一般过渡的阶段特征。(2)空间上,甘井子区整体的生态承载力等级东西部差异明显,呈现出相同承载力等级小范围聚集和相近承载力等级间穿插分布的特征。(3)甘井子区内部各社区生态承载力程度差异明显。靠近市区的社区生态承载力15年间变化显著,生态承载程度迅速下降,远离市区的部分社区生态承载力变化不大,生态环境保持良好以上的状态。  相似文献   
张萌 《人类学学报》2019,38(1):60-76
尼安德特人和解剖学意义上的现代人在文化精致程度上的区别已经争论了很长时间,考古学者希望能得出一个确定的答案,两个假设应运而生:智力水平(尼人不能发展出精致的文化)与文化表现(尼人不需要发展出精致程度较高的文化)。古人类与考古材料显示智力水平假设有缺陷:尼人的基因进入了现代人的基因库中,而且他们有能力学习现代人的技术,在"过渡工业"的材料中可以找到相关证据;与此同时,至今还未找到关系到智力水平的大脑结构证据证明尼人智力水平不如现代人。检验文化表现假设的前提是尼人与早期现代人在智力水平上没有差异,却呈现出不同的社会网络和社会组织。本文在讨论尼人与现代人人口与社会交流的基础上,认为现代人复杂的社会组织切割了尼人的生活环境,同时火山爆发引起了资源短缺,最终导致了尼人在欧洲灭绝。  相似文献   
Modifications of the Illinois River and associated tributaries have resulted in altered hydrologic cycles and persistent river‐floodplain connections during the growing season that frequently impede the establishment of hydrophytic vegetation and have reduced value for migratory waterfowl and other waterbirds. To help guide floodplain restoration, we compared energetic carrying capacity for waterfowl in two wetland complexes along the Illinois River under different management regimes during 2012–2015. The south pool of Chautauqua National Wildlife Refuge (CNWR) was seasonally flooded due to a partial river connection and managed for moist‐soil vegetation. Emiquon Preserve was hydrologically isolated from the Illinois River by a high‐elevation levee and managed as a semipermanently flooded emergent marsh. Semipermanent emergent marsh management at Emiquon Preserve produced 5,495 energetic use‐days (EUD)/ha for waterfowl and other waterbirds across wetland cover types and years, and seasonal moist‐soil management at CNWR produced 6,199 EUD/ha in one of 4 years. At Emiquon Preserve, the aquatic bed cover type produced 9,660 EUD/ha, followed by 5,261 EUD/ha in moist‐soil, 1,398 EUD/ha in persistent emergent, 1,185 EUD/ha in hemi‐marsh, and 12 EUD/ha in open water cover types. At CNWR, the annual grass and sedge cover type produced 7,031 EUD/ha, followed by 5,618 EUD/ha in annual broadleaf and 1,305 EUD/ha in perennial grass cover types. Restoration of floodplain wetlands in isolation from frequent flood pulses during the growing season can produce hemi‐marsh and aquatic bed vegetation communities that provide high‐quality habitat for waterfowl and which have been mostly eliminated from large river systems in the Midwest, U.S.A.  相似文献   
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